The Story
What is it?
A series of dinner parties held at homes across Capitol Hill all on one evening. Each dinner will feature food and fun related to a specific book (reading is optional — it’s a dinner, not a discussion!). Guests will come from across the neighborhood, creating opportunities to mingle with new and old friends in support of an important cause. After dinner, all guests are invited to continue the party with dessert and live music at the Hill Center at the Old Naval Hospital.
Who benefits?
Proceeds from the Literary Feast will support the Capitol Hill Community Foundation’s Grants to Neighborhood Schools. In 2023, grant funds nearing $250,000 were given to fund special projects and programs for our school children.
When is it?
Saturday, October 19, 2024. The dinner parties will be held from 6:30 to 8:45 p.m. Dessert will be at the Hill Center from 8:45 to 11:00 p.m.
Ticket price?
You choose your charitable donation level from $100 to $500 per ticket. Your entire payment, less $20 per ticket, will be tax-deductible.
Is it formal?
No, but feel free to have fun with an outfit designed around your dinner theme.
I want to go!
Select your top six dinner choices and register.